There are a lot of mommy blogs out there. Like, really a lot. So I've pondered a bunch of times whether to add my voice to the mix. Is there a need for another? Do I have anything to say that hasn't been said in a bajillion ways? But that's an excuse any writer could make--after all, "there's nothing new under the sun." But in order to have the courage to put oneself out there, you have to believe you have something unique-ish to say, right? So here I am.
My name is Melissa, I'm careening rapidly downhill toward 40, and I'm a first-time mother. I have a seven month old boy who hates sleep, loves to laugh and play with great abandon, and is already crawling, pulling up to standing, sprouting teeth and generally growing too fast for me to keep up. The last seven months--heck, since the moment the plus sign appeared in that little window on the pregnancy test--have been the most exhilarating, most terrifying, most tedious, most joyful of my life. I have soared in euphoria, I have cried myself sick, I have hallucinated from lack of sleep. But I probably have never felt so broken open, so alive, so lovesick. So now seems as good a time as any to write, and maybe even to share it with others.
On my bucket list is a goal to share my writing--I am a former journalist, so I have seen my name in black and white before. But my writing from the heart, from the soul--both creative and nonfiction, like this--has laid dormant because I have been too afraid that it's, well, crap. As I said, though, I can almost look up 40's nostrils, I'm so close. So if not now, when?
I'm not entirely sure what "angle" this blog will have. Older first-time mommy? Adventures in sleep deprivation? Mom with creative aspirations discovers she has no time for them? Will the tone be funny or wistful or joyful or all of the above? I suppose all of the above because that's what being a mom is like. It's ALL OF THE THINGS and more.
My name is Melissa, and I'm a mom. Here's my story.